Workshops and courses

One of flowful Collective's core values has been to transfer and share knowledge, experience and expertise. Since 2016, we have been offering global workshop formats on the following future topics:

  • Permaculture,

  • ecology,

  • natural building,

  • socially just energy transition,

  • circular economy,

  • project management,

  • holistic systems thinking (holistic system design),

  • self-determined living and empowerment.

We know we can only provide knowledge and experience if we are continuously learning ourselves and put new wisdom into practice. Therefore, we only offer selected and high-quality courses on topics that we have been proactively developing for many years.

The focus of our course topics lies on the self-empowerment of the participants. For us, new knowledge, new food for thought and new perspectives are more important than just simple answers. After a flowful Collecitve workshop, the participants have acquired tools and process knowledge that can be applied to a wide range of questions and problems and not just a simple solution.

Permaculture Annual Course 2024

March to December 2024 in Berlin, Hanover, Witten... From 1,100 EUR (Early Bird)

Annual course: Applying holistic permaculture and designing eco(systems) for tomorrow

For 9 months you will gain the permaculture knowledge, understanding and experience needed to independently design permaculture projects from the various sectors (social, land-based, economy & society).

Learn more

Permakultur PLUS in Portugal 2024

April & October 2024 in Tavira, Portugal
750 EUR

One-week course: Creating close-loop-systems in cities, businesses and ecosystems

After this week you will gain a foundation and a selection of tools that can be used to design resilient (eco)systems in gardens, companies or interpersonal relationships. This permaculture course will be an oasis of learning and recreation in an inspiring location with additional leisure activities where we can experience the theory of nature, community and ecosystems with all our senses.

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Visualisation and system thinking

August 2024 in Barsinghausen, Region Hannover
300 EUR

One-week course: Professional and personal realignment through visualisation and systems thinking

This week you have the time and tools to reflect and reorient yourself. You will have the time to slow down, review and evaluate new alternatives and make fundamental decisions for your professional and private life if you like! Thanks to the inspiring location and the additional leisure activities on the programme, this week will be an oasis of learning and relaxation where we can recharge our batteries and continue to grow together every day.

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Permaculture educational leave 2024

March & October 2024 in Barshinghausen, Hanover region 300 EUR

Educational leave: Creating a truly sustainable circular design for gardens, businesses and cities

We will illustrate the "design principles" of permaculture using the latest social and environmental issues. Together we will apply this knowledge to local and current sustainability issues. Competition for land, biodiversity, restoration and the resilience of ecosystems will be examined from a new perspective using innovative permaculture solutions.

Learn more


Questions about our learning opportunities?

Please send us an email if you have any questions about the course programme or individual courses.

Permakulturkurs im Wald Deutschland

The Flowful Collective also enables you to learn in small groups in nature!

We come to you!

Are you an interested group, organisation or individual and want to organise a course on a specific topic in your area or even in your backyard or association?

Let's do a customised course together! Contact us to see if we can provide the right mix of expertise for you and your specific needs.