Posts tagged community live
Ep.4 - flowful meets... Green Youth Collective

Green Youth Collective (GYC) is a learning community that inspires living practices in harmony with nature and people. Their main focus is sustainable gardening, low-impact communal living and youth education. flowful meets… talks with the founder Hanh aka Stoney and Bphu at their home and working field An Nhien farm. We chat about their philosophy and values towards a nature-human harmony as well as about their way to become part of the next door village community to inspire people inside and outside of GYC.

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Ep.2 - flowful meets... Peaceful Bamboo Family

The Peaceful Bamboo Family is a vocational training centre and living community for young adults with special needs that is based based in Vietnam. flowful meets… talks with them about their unique family approach that focuses on mindfulness education and social emotional learning, and about their successful manner to promote sustainability.

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